
shaniFor instant enlightenment on your earthly and spiritual journey, consult our online oracle ‘Shani’, Sangoma and witchdoctor. Sage Shani channels words of advice and wisdom for you from the ancestors and your spirit guides.

‘Zuna’, author of Bonethrower, is a new age mystic and African-trained traditional healer / Sangoma with vast experience of the occult, paganism and the paranormal.

In her email, phone and private readings, Zuna covers future prophecy, relationship counselling, marriage counselling, bereavement counselling and animals in the spirit world.

This psychic fortune-teller offers psychic readings, predictions and spiritual counselling by email.

Her divining, channelling and intuition are enhanced by the medium of Tarot card readings, the ancient ritual of throwing the bones and her esoteric knowledge of astrology.

No matter what your religious beliefs, allow your intuition to guide you to the wonderful world of spirit at ‘Kwa-shani’